Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Scholastic Art and Writing Awards

Brittany Faye received a gold medal in the National Scholastic Art Awards and will be recognized at Carnegie Hall on Thursday, June 4th. She is the only Delawarean to receive a gold medal this year!

Check out the complete list of Cab winners from the Delaware Scholastic Art and Writing Contest, and view a slide show of student artwork at: http://www.cabcalloway.redclay.k12.de.us/scholastic2009.html

Band wins in Myrtle Beach

Congratulations to the members of the High School Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble for their outstanding performances this past weekend at the Fiesta-val Myrtle Beach Music Festival. The Concert Band received the second place trophy with the rating of excellent.

The Jazz Ensemble received the first place trophy with a rating of superior. This is the 10th consecutive superior rating for the Varsity Jazz Ensemble. The Jazz Ensemble also received the trophy for outstanding brass section.

Junior Ryan Kirk was awarded an outstanding jazz soloist award.

Congratulations to all students who participated.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Senior Social April 4

Cab Calloway's senior class is hosting Cab Calloway’s first senior social next Saturday, April 4th at Klondike Kate’s on Main St. in Newark. Tickets have been open to students for the past 2 weeks, and now we are opening spots to our favorite teachers! The price is only $10 for a delicious buffet and quality time with the senior class. We have plenty of spots left for teachers, and I would love to see as many of you there as possible, so if you are interested, please contact me in person or through email at lizrr@comcast.net. We need money for tickets ASAP though, so please RSVP promptly.

Again, the tickets are $10 for April 4th, 7-10 PM
Klondike Kate’s
158 E. Main St.
Newark, DE 19711

Cab student in the spotlight!

After eleven months searching for the best local talent, The Grand in Wilmington, DE has whittled down 100 acts and over 250 contestants to 20 finalists in the IN THE SPOTLIGHT competition. On April 5 at 7:00 PM, these 20 talented acts will take the stage in one last performance to be named the IN THE SPOTLIGHT Grand Prize winner and student Chris Millison, Cab Calloway junior, is part of the finale!

This is a once and a lifetime opportunity for them to perform on the legendary main stage, a stage which has been host to performers such as The White Stripes, Kathy Griffin, Bonnie Raitt, Third Eye Blind, k.d. Lang, Queen Latifah and Bill Cosby...and win fabulous prizes!!

Student rush tickets are available with student ID for $10. $15 General Admission. For more information visit TheGrandWilmington.org.

For any questions about this year's finale or next year's competition, contact Melissa Hart at 302.658.7897.

Blood Drive at Cab

The National Honor Society is sponsoring a blood drive in conjunction with the Blood Bank of Delaware. Students and faculty can donate blood during the school day on Tuesday, April 7.

Dual Enrollment options next year

A representative from the University of Delaware visits Cab Calloway on Tuesday, March 31 to inform the juniors of the learning opportunities being offered to them during the 09-10 school year through Dual Enrollment Opportunities at the University of Delaware.

Qualified Delaware high school students will have the opportunity to earn both UD and high school credits concurrently through UD Online. Students can enroll in one or more of four designated online courses offered by the university. High school students learn with other UD students in courses taught by university faculty. Their choices for the 09-10 school year are as follows: Principles of Biology with Lab, Philosophies of Life, Nutrition Concepts, and Human Heredity and Development.

The cost of each course is $545 (this is a 40% savings)

The juniors will also be informed about their option of taking E-110, which is the required English course for every UD student, next year in conjunction with our traditional Honors English 12 course.

For more information, contact Guidance Counselor Kimberly Rigby.

National Honor Society Inductees

This morning, the Cab Calloway chapter of the National Honor Society inducted the following new members:
11th Grade
Marilyn Cole
Samantha Gartley
Jennifer Kelman
Victoria Konkiel
Emily Koriaken
Julia Melendez
Lily Ozer
Veronica Szfranski
Nicolette Tuono
Stephanie Vernier
Kelsey Visnanski
Nolan Weaver

10th Grade
Sarah Driban
Brittany Fay
Joe Graf
Tatiana Lofton
Emily Nowak
Francesca Reyes
Nicole Stevenson
Jacob Sackett-Sanders
Carrie Weidman

Congratulations to the newest National Honor Society members!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cab students in West Side Story

Sixteen Cab students will be performing in the Delaware All-State Theatre's production of West Side Story at the DuPont Theatre in June. Senior Sarah Nowak was chosen as the student director for the production, and seniors A. J. Melendez and Cassidy Bonilla star as Bernardo and Anita from the Sharks.

Delaware All-State Theatre was established in program for elementary, middle, and high school students in Delaware. Every June, talented students from all schools in Delaware and the immediate surrounding area are given the opportunity perform on the world famous DuPont Theatre stage in Wilmington, Delaware. Hundreds of student performers from over 50 schools auditioned for the sixty parts in West Side Story. Congratulations to all the Cab students who were selected as part of the cast and crew!

Cab Calloway gets greener

The PTSO Recycling committee purchased four recycling bins for bottles/cans. The bins are placed in the lobby (2), next to the outside cafeteria trash can (1), and in the office (1 for bottles/cans and a separate one for paper).
In the fall of 2009, with the completion of school renovations, a Delaware Solid Waste Agency (DSWA) recycling center will be set up in the school's parking lot.
Help us keep our school cleaner and our landfills smaller! Reduce, reuse and recycle.

Cab Calloway School Fund Scholarships

The Cab Calloway School Fund offers CCSA students currently in 7th through 11th grades an opportunity to compete for scholarships that enhance and support their arts education.
To qualify, an applicant must have:

  • Financial need
  • Good academic and artistic standing
  • Teacher recommendation

All students who meet these requirements are welcome to apply. Applications and instructions are available at our school's website: www.cabcalloway.redclay.k12.de.us

A limited number of application forms will be available at the Guidance Office for families who do not have access to a computer. The Guidance office also has some pre-addressed envelopes for applications and recommendations that can be used by any applicant.

No Application Packages will be mailed to your home.
Application DEADLINE: April 3, 2009

Arts and Smarts Gala--April 24, 2009

We’d like to extend a special invitation to you and your friends to a spectacular event this spring! This event is designed as one of extraordinary entertainment, but also provides an opportunity for our school to share our success with the community. Additionally, this is an important fundraising event in support of our school!

The Cab Calloway School Fund (a 501c3 that supports our school) in partnership with the Cab Calloway School of the Arts invite you to our third Gala, "The Arts and Smarts Extravaganza,” on Friday April 24, 2009 at the Baby Grand. The evening will begin at 7:00 p.m. with performances by CCSA students and local professional musicians and will include an intermission reception with heavy hors d'oeuvres and an open bar. In addition, the evening will honor Tina Betz, the Director of Cultural Affairs for the City of Wilmington, for her commitment to the Arts in our Community. Tickets are $75/person and are tax deductible. Monies raised will be used to help fund various programs at our school.

BPA Competes and Wins!

Cab Calloway School of the Arts sent their BPA club to the Delaware State Business Professionals of America Competition in Dover in February. The BPA Club members are: Sharnelle Anthony, Miranda Garrett, Veronica Hanus, Sarah Barker, Veronica Slater, Natalie Lane, Eevry Goren, Leann Umeroglu, Kelsey Shivery, Jessica Szymanski, Devin Lloyd, Erin Kelleher, Brianna Jeffreys, Reilly Megee, Nik Eastburn, Sam Katz, Victoria Welch, Jonah Green, and Noah Henry.

Sarah Barker won 1st place for Prepared Speaking, Veronica Hanus, Sharnelle Anthony and Miranda Garrett won 1st place for Career Research Team, Sam Katz won 3rd place for Spreadsheets, Reilly Megee, Nik Eastburn and Briana Jeffreys won 2nd place for Web Team, Sharnelle Anthony won 1st place for Extemporaneous Speaking, Natalie Lane won 2nd place for Extemporaneous Speaking and Veronica Hanus won 3rd place for Extemporaneous Speaking. Miranda Garrett won 1st place for Computer Literacy, Business Fundamentals and 3rd place for Business Communications, Sam Katz won 3rd place for Computer Literacy and 2nd place for Business Fundamentals and Erin Gallagher won 4th place for Business Communications. All medal winners qualify for National Competition in Dallas Texas in May.

Club officers are Noah Henry as President, Veronica Hanus as vice-president, Leann Umeroglu is secretary and Veronica Slater is Treasurer. The chapter advisor, Nancy Cleveland and co-advisor Angie Barker accompanied the club to the competition.

Joe Corbi Fundraiser

Cab Calloway PTSO will be conducting a Joe Corbi’s Fundraiser online to raise funds for our school. We will be conducting our online sale from April 1st thru April 22nd and will receive our delivery on April 30, 2009 between 2 – 7 PM downstairs in the back cafeteria.

For more information and a shipping discount code, please visit the Cab website.

Cartooning Class Offered at Cab Calloway

Here's an exciting introductory opportunity for current Cab students from local cartoonist Susan Cathcart. Interested students can find more information and a registration form on the Cab website. The first class begins April 20, and is limited to eight students.

“Being able to draw is not a gift, not a talent. No.
It is doing it; and liking what results. It’s the liking what results that I seek to encourage.”

-- Susan Cathcart, Cartoonist

Car Pool help from RideShare Delaware

There are only a few short months of school left. However, with spring comes a new sports season and increased transportation demands. Let RideShare Delaware’s School Pool program help with your transportation needs.

The School Pool program is a free carpool matching service for families whose children attend school within the state of Delaware. Parents fill out a short application form, describing their transportation needs. The RideShare staff will then enter this information into the School Pool database and attempt to match them with a family looking to share the ride. If matches are found parents will receive a list of potential carpool partners. They are then free to contact these individuals to set up a carpool.

Give School Pool a try during this busy season. School Pool may be the answer to your transportation needs.

To register for School Pool or for more information contact RideShare Delaware 1-888-RIDE-MATCH or visit www.ridesharedelaware.org

Calendar changes due to snow days

This news from Red Clay Consolidated School District:

District Calendar Information for the End of the Year: The last pupil day has been moved from June 8 to June 10 as students missed two days in March; March 2 and 3, due to inclement weather. The last teacher day will be June 11.

All grades will meet the number of hours as required by the State .

June 10 and 11 are weather-related contingency days. In the event the district misses less than two days, the calendar will be shortened by the appropriate number of days. Any additional days lost because of bad weather or forced closings will be made up with the cancellation of the following in-service day: February 2. If additional days are needed, above and beyond the two weather-related contingency days and the in-service day listed, they will be added at the end of the school year, so the total school year for teachers does not exceed 188 days, and the student year does not fall below 1060 student hours.

Sports Physicals!

All athletes playing sports need a sports physical, starting April 1. Please schedule your appoointment with the Wellness Center as soon as possible.