Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Asbestos abatement

Here's a message from Red Clay's Manager of Facilities and Maintenance George McDowell:

In our district’s continuing efforts to keep you informed and involved in your child’s school, we would like to provide you with some information regarding asbestos abatement at the Wilmington Campus (Cab Calloway School of the Arts and the Charter School of Wilmington).

As you may be aware, many of our schools were built when asbestos was a commonly used material and schools often contain asbestos in floor tiles or floor tile glue. In this condition, asbestos poses virtually no health or safety threat, unless it is broken down or disturbed. Every six months the district brings in professional engineers to inspect the status of asbestos. If at any point the existing material is disturbed, we immediately begin the process of having it removed. In addition, during the construction process, we routinely remove old asbestos material and replace it with modern construction materials.

We are at a point in the Major Capital renovations at Wilmington Campus where we will be removing the old asbestos containing tiles in several classrooms during the last weeks of May.

Regardless of the nature of the material, we always take a high level of precautions when removing it. First and foremost, WE DO NOT REMOVE ASBESTOS DURING THE SCHOOL DAY. All abatement work is accomplished during the night; we do not wish to disturb your child’s education. In addition we exceed all of the industry standards for removing and containing this product. It is disposed of immediately after being removed from the school.

If you have any questions concerning this removal, you may feel free to contact the project manager from Batta Environmental at 737-3376. If you have any questions concerning our district wide asbestos management program, feel free to contact our office at 892-3284. Thank you for your time and attention.

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